Novice Pickleball Clinic
*Adult Programs / Adult Winter/Spring Programs / Adult Exercise, Sports & Fitness / Specialty -
2024-25 Winter/Spring Catalog
This clinic is designed for the player who is relatively comfortable with the rules and has a bit of playing experience. This clinic will teach you the beginnings of pickleball strategy and build on your experience. Are you a current or former tennis player? This is a good place to jump in, use the racquet skills you already possess and modify them for pickleball. Offered in partnership with Vetta.
Session 1: Tuesdays, starts January 7 | 7 sessions | $200
Session 2: Tuesdays, starts February 25 | 7 sessions | $200
Session 3: Tuesdays, starts April 15 | 6 sessions | $175
6-7:30 p.m. | Vetta Racquet Sports Sunset Hills | Ages 18+
Gold/Silver Cards do not apply
Pay a little more and help others enjoy learning and fun with Community Ed! Each of our adult programs includes an option to ‘pay a little more'. All funds raised help to provide enriching and engaging experiences for youth, families, and adults in need of financial assistance.
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