Spring Boys Volleyball League - 5th Grade

*Youth Programs / Youth Winter/Spring Programs / Youth Sports & Fitness / Volleyball / Volleyball League -
2024-25 Winter/Spring Catalog

Join our league to develop fundamental skills through practice and competition. This league includes practice slots and a 6-game season. Sign up by team or individual. We are always looking for new volunteer coaches. Please contact us if you are interested.

Early Bird $109 - $129 after January 31

Grade 5

Practices: Weekdays | Beginning March 10
Games: Saturdays beginning April 5
Held at Parkway and Rockwood locations


I HAVE A COACH: Go to your team coach and click enroll now
I HAVE A COACH BUT DO NOT SEE THEIR NAME: Enroll in NEW TEAM, and when your coach registers, you will be moved to their team.
I DO NOT HAVE A COACH: Enroll for the NEW TEAM. This will put you on a waiting list and we will be able to form teams.

VOLUNTEER COACHES: CLICK HERE to complete your roster online. Your team will be created as soon as we get the roster.

If you have any questions, please contact info@prcommunityed.org or call 636-891-6644.

Coaches, please Note:

  • Community Ed reserves the right to move the level of the team based on the previous year of play.
  • Some levels may be combined due to the number of teams registered.
  • Teams may be moved up a grade in order to have more competitive games.

Grades   5th

Full - waiting list

$ 129.00
Early Bird Price is $109 prior to February 1